Excess Hair Growth

Excessive hair growth (hirsutism), why do we get it?

Excessive hair growth in women is usually caused by abnormally high levels of male hormones and can be caused by an underlying medical condition such as polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is also common to notice increased hair growth when premenopausal or menopausal, two phases that can affect and upset the body’s hormone balance.

Unfortunately it’s not possible to prevent the growth of excess body or facial hair due to hormonal changes in the body. However, it’s important you consult your GP if you notice the condition as it could be a sign that you have an underlying medical condition that’s easy to treat or control.

The best way to remove facial hair and excessive body hair is laser hair removal. This virtually pain-free treatment works by zapping the hair and hair follicle with a concentrated beam of light. The Cutera laser system has a cold tip that makes the treatment comfortable while having the procedure.  The light is attracted to the dark pigment in the hair and works by damaging the hair itself and the follicle. This slows down future regrowth considerably and in many people can stop hair regrowth permanently. We recommend a course of between six and eight treatments to see the best results.

Our years of experience in the field of laser hair removal means we may be able to help you with a tailored treatment programme for laser hair removal. We offer free consultations with qualified healthcare professionals, as well as a thorough after care service to ensure that your experience is positive throughout your entire journey.

Unwanted hair under your chin, upper lip or arms is quite distressing. Growing hair in places where you never had it before or developing thickening body hair is an incredibly sensitive topic because women’s perspectives can vary widely based on personal preference. Many women want to get rid of excess hair as quickly and permanently as possible while others are happy to let it grow as a natural expression of themselves.

We actually have hair all over our bodies from the very beginning. In the womb, a fine layer of hair called lanugo covers a fetus and keeps it insulated. After birth, we develop very soft and light vellus hair better known as “peach fuzz” which stays on our bodies for our entire lives. Vellus hair can be a little thicker or darker depending on the person, but it’s usually less than 2 mm long, and can appear all over the body.

Hirsutism, also called hypertrichosis, is the growth of terminal hair or thickened vellus hair in places more typical for men than women. It can either be genetic or caused by one of the body’s natural reactions to hormonal and biochemical imbalances, like insulin resistance and high levels of androgen hormones.




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